Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Couch Surfer

Like the uncle that hangs out but never gets a job. Sleeping on the couch, banging the fridge door. Always has some ailment that keeps work slightly out of reach. Makes like a magician when chores need to be done and is critical of everyone but.

Some times thoughts are like that. Uninvited and staying too long. Thoughts that bring up memories of what we "should" have done, what we "shouldn't" have done and what we "could" be but are not.
Critics that work for free in our minds digging up failings of the past. Irritants.
They dwell not by design but are a product in our cultured mind.
Like particles of grit.
So a lesson from the oyster is needed. The oyster feels that irritant and begins to coat it with the minerals it gleans from the sea. And as time goes on the irritant is coated with the smooth radiance we know that makes it a pearl.
And a liability becomes an asset.
Look past the irritation and more at what we can transform it into.

1 comment:

vickie said...

hey Craig, doesn't everyone have one of those uncles ?

Uninvited thoughts of should & could haves serve no real purpose, but still we reflect on them. Some get lost in the reflection and drown themselves in their own imperfections. That's unfortunate. We are what we are. Like sands through an hourglass so are the days of our lives, forever flowing, whether we choose to live life or not. Irritants are just the exfoliation in life that keeps it in perspective.