Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Gypsy Heart

Our hearts like birds toying with dust devils of worry as we looked at the bridge.

A bridge is a way over something, It is the point of transition. We don't lose anything by crossing the bridge since we are connect to where we are.
You and I are on the bridge. Were are inbetween and in someways in the "sweetspot" of the new. What a wonder is living on the bridge.

I type this with my fingers, I read it with my eyes, I am guided by my heart, and I am warm in memory.
Is there a fantasy? Yes. I picture a couple laughing, exploring and living. The fantasy is filled with what can be. So easy to keep the fantasy, keep living on the bridge.
Below the water laughs at fantasy and winks back at the sun with sparkling ripples as if in silent knowledge shared.
I would rather spend my life on the bridge with you than lose you.


vickie said...

wow, this conjured up all kinds of thoughts for me ... I can't help but wonder what's beyond the bridge? there's something quite exhilirating and at the same time frightening almost ... my heart is beating 90 mph!

vickie said...

Would life with you always be this entertaining and mind engaging?

inquiring minds wanta know.

capananda said...

yes and no...sometimes LOL

vickie said...

I do believe that you and I could always entertain ourselves and each other! *smiles & a wink**

vickie said...

just bringing you a shk!




capananda said...

One would hope so..