Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Putting the cold behind

Global Warming BS.
The Pacific Northwest has been unseasonably and unreasonably cold and wet.
Darn near lost the pipes to the cold and had ice in the house..
Made the best of it with a drive up to Prospect and Union Creek for coffee, talk and a hot lunch.

That was a few weeks ago and now the snow is still in hills but not on the flats. Creek behind the house js still loud and busy. Turkeys, squirrels, and the like are busy as well.

It seems to be getting to where Spring is coming up soon. We can count on the seasons. Seasons are simple fact. There is great comfort in a good reliable and honest season.
Like anything that happens, we prepare, make due, endure and if a problem arises, take care of it the best way we can. Action. I have never gotten wood split by complaining to my neighbor. Never got the broken pipes fixed by writing a letter. Just the way it is just about whereever you are.
I guess we getting over Nature's storms and about to have storms made by greed and corruption. We'll get through it one way or another but not by complaining.
Guess it's time to split wood,


Sherry said...

Here in the middle of NY state we still have snow on the flats. We had to buy another cord of wood to finish the month out. It's too late here to acquire another log load to be split. Hubby decided he's getting too old to split wood by hand. Bought a splitter finally. Oh well, Spring is coming and the skunks are roaming. No turkeys yet though.

Anonymous said...

Hey, cap.

I was "wayfarer" over on the stream. I'm just plain ol' Paul over here. Good to find another fellow 'streamer about.

I agree, the seasosns are much more reliable than most people I know.

Good blog!

capananda said...

Thanks, I think I will try to keep it a bit lighter.
Good to have blog stream folks together.