Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beginning of the end or the end of the Beginning. A Rant

Sitting in Paris, watching the first space walk of STS 134 mission to the ISS. Watching it on a computer that is, both, an indirect and direct result of the technology gained from this Endeavor (pun). One more shuttle will be launched after this one. With an end to our shuttle program comes unemployment for thousands of Americas most highly trained, expertly experienced, loyal, dedicated and intelligent workers. It also ends hundreds if not thousnd small business who supplied support goods and services to the program.
This sweeping move of the Obama administration, Retired General and administrator Bolton to scrap the Orion Program and the Constellation program without consulting or alerting Congress, as is their duty to Congress as the American people's elected representatives, has been and is a blow to our leadership in the World, in Space and as a free country with a representative government.

However we maintain a flow of billions of tax dollars for war, occupying other countries and maintaining a quasi state of marshal law in our country. Thousands of the best of the best lose their jobs,and we lose our position as world leaders of Freedom, the congress keeps the unpatriotic Patriot Program alive with it's billions of dollars wasted on searches , unconstitutional invasions of privacy, incarceration, eavesdropping, and the frivolous, useless, and degrading searches of senior citizen, women and children at airports.
The disconnect of our government and the people they are bound by law and the Constitution to serve, has grown worse, when we voters thought we had voted out the madness of the previous 8 years.
Regardless of your opinion of America's Space Shuttle program, it has been one of the most remarkable and admirable feats of Heroism, Exploration, and Knowledge in the name of all humanity and progress.
I salute the all those who have given so much of themselves in this honorable mission.
End of Rant.


Sarge said...

With the deficit where it is - NASA and space exploration needs to be put on hold until we can afford to do more of it.


capananda said...
