Friday, September 23, 2011

Looking for work in all the right places

As a kid I remember the first job I found was at a local theater in Northern California. I was eleven. After the Saturday kids matinee let out at the only theater in town, we would wait for our parents or walk home.  Somehow I got to talking to the "punch drunk" retired fighter that cleaned up the theater. I asked if he needed help and I worked.
I always worked. Sure, there were times and places where jobs were scarce but a living wage was there.

Our economy is ransacked  and exploited. Things were changed for America. Wars and crooked contract firms  have depleted us, We've be sold out.

I retired once, then had to work again, tried to retire again, and had to return to work. And now I am Paris where I have the only job, in my field , I can find.
Crazy.  I would rather be in Oregon fixing my fences, and  bucking up the two trees laying in the woods,


Whit's Whittlings2 said...


"Wars and crooked contract firms have depleted us, We've be sold out."

You might ask how many of those crooks have been prosecuted. Too many of them received bonuses with taxpayer money.

capananda said...

true Whit. I think one must be willing to adopt a greater paradigm. A paradigm that is willing to "eliminate the impossible and accept the improbable".
What appears to be nonsense and stupidity may only exist when we look at immediate events and actions. If we look at trans-generational patterns of behavior. Then we may seen what it madness may very well be by design.
What would Sherlock Holmes have made of such treachery?

Jo ~ said...

its hard times for sure, the price of groceries has doubled, its worrisome.

Jo ~ said...

as far as work, most of our work is being outsourced; transcriptionists losing jobs every day, the quality of work has gone to hell, people don't care, why should they at 3 cents a line to type or proof, when that won't even buy their groceries.

Ron Friesen said...

You are working in Paris, France???

Jo ~ said...

Cap, come and join a Facebook page, Blogstream Reunited, and hit me up for friend. I closed my previous Facebook account due to an issue with some idiot over a personal family picture. I miss ya, hope all is well. You will have to navigate to Ice's blog (I have his link up over here (The Ol Blog Stream) and there will be directions there.