Sunday, December 11, 2011

There and back again. Surviving the "Scan Scam"

Back from Paris. Early than expected but was compensated sufficiently. Again confirming this change in how to survive the madness of multinational corps in their quest for a "New World Order" or whatever.
Nonetheless we regular folks must work around the nonesense and continue to survive.

Coming back on the plane the radiologist next to me says.
"Feel bad for the TSA folks. They are exposed to radio active material all day without protection. And if there is a leak in the back scatter device, hours of exposure is catastrophic"               
What about us, I ask?   
"We're reasonably safe. No worse than the radioactive pollution we experience from all the failed, faulty, and leaking nuclear plants." 
Some how I was not reassured.
Back in the " States" I noticed how few people on the streets, the price of food and goods has risen by thirty to forty five percent, Oil companies have record profit and fuel is more expensive in ratio to cost,  than ever before.
There has to be a new word for "Greed" because these few that benefit must be beyond psychopathic in their consumption.

Wonder upon wonder, the government endorses the ill behavior through complicity and outright media censorship.  One puppet or another, that is who we can vote for.  
Where is the remedy?
It is with us. We have always and will always survive this blight. We prevail because we are not inbred. 
We, the people.  
They, the parasites. 
We the humans. and They? 
Well they have no idea what they are, really.
Or what awaits them.


Sarge said...

Welcome home. You were in Frisco before, right? Now, I am not wrapping my old sergeant ass in the American flag as I write this -
This place is still heads and shoulders above most other places.
And, I think the food here can out do Paris.
You will find that we are polarized politically and you will learn about how bad that is fucking up the country. However, register to vote and help us get rid of those in Washington who refuse to refuse to cooperate and legislate.



capananda said...

Totally with you Sarge. I agree with you that we grow the best in the world but I have yet to find it in a market, only in my back yard of when the neighbor drops of some. It is up to us to make it better and I believe in you, me and the rest of us. We may be a little sleepy now but when fully awake, we are the best this planet has or will see.

Jo ~ said...

welcome back to American soil, Cap...are you sad to be coming back? with the holidays upon us, I hope yours brings you much joy! hugs!

aka vickie "jo" owney that's my name in case you were wondering who I was...LOL.