Monday, March 19, 2012

Saddletramp News and Rant

Something about being in the woods of Oregon where time stops and starts with the whim of a canyon breeze.
Lots of dead wood to deal with. Too many turkeys demanding a handout. Neighbors who pick up a  conversation from a year ago with the ease of tugging an ear.
The maul is a little heavier this year. Wood stove heats the place to tropical if the damper is left open. cold enough outside the refrigerator was left unplugged and unused. Camp cooler on the porch kept the milk from freezing. Clears the mind and freshens the soul.

(Forward OPS Rant)
Thanks to NAFTA most of the local farms are shutting down and wineries a popping up in their place. Agra-Corps sell  us produce from Mexico where dangerous pesticides are used or we get overpriced hot house veges that could be made of cardboard the way they taste.
Oil is being produced and refined at record levels in the US, America is using less fuel than in years, and war profiteering oil prices are higher than ever. British firms own more US companies, control more of America's commodites and has some of our Govt and Public  figures knelling before a Foreign queen.
I guess we were told to fight  overseas while we were looted from the back door.
Conservancy groups, Wildlife funds and non profit organizations; many run by members of the Council on Foreign Relations, are board members of Goldman Sacks, receive monies from Oil companies and buy up our public lands "for our own good" and use "carbon offest" scams to make money letting pollution run unchecked.
Meanwhile Hollywood feeds us dreams, television tells how to think and cop shows train us how to behave and that it is OK  to murder the ugly, the poor, and the mentally ill.
On the bright side more people are planting victory gardens, more people are waking up, more people want to help each other, and the elite are becoming so inbred they'll get lost in their mansions.
We just have to hang together, support each other and strengthen our communities. We will survive and prevail as long as we keep freedom alive in our hearts our mind and our spirit. Survival is the biological imperative.


Sarge said...

Where have you been?


Jo ~ said...

hey Cap, is that the local grocer?

the yellow fringe said...

Come back did ya?