Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sleeping in Coach

Rue St Etienne, Paris?
    Oregon's cold chased me South again. I think it is the way the metal pins in my arm seem to resonate from the cold or maybe that is just an excuse.
     Down to San Diego and the first place to hit is my favorite taco stand on fir street and fourth.  Fish burrito is addictive and delicious with a free roasted pepper on the side,
     Got a free ride on Air France to Paris and  some work is waiting, house sitting for rent. Can't beat it.
      For some reason I lost the joy of flying back in 2004. Maybe it was landing in Saipan during typhoon Ting Ting. I don't know but I seemed to get unnerved now, when I get in the big metal beast. In the belly of the jet engine driven dragon, packed with my fellow humans, I focus on trying to sleep. Meanwhile the little voice in my head is rebuking my decision to accept a trip to Paris or any where requiring flight. What happened to a train around the world project or is that only in B movies?
Paris in April is usually a Spring with sparse showers, blooming trees, crisp mornings and warming Sun peeking through the clouds.
     Not so now. Rain and cold with blustering winds to challenge the Hawk of Chicago.Global cooling. Again proving Al Gore is an opportunistic lawn Gnome working for Big Business nut cases trying to rule the world. Nothing new under the Sun, same story different century. Alexander the Great would have these pretenders for lunch..
     My weekly bus pass is less that it would cost me to drive to town and back, in one day, in Oregon. So I save that.  My love of mushrooms. There is the savings here. 6oz of mushrooms in SD is 2 bucks  2kilos of mushrooms here are the same price. OK. The downside. Meat is sold by the gram, if that is a clue, and it is significantly more expensive than the States. My cholesterol will like less meat but I will end up howling at the moon each night I don't have some . That's it. So the tour of duty this time is 3 months baring unforeseen circumstances.
OK, The Rant.
Energy miser mercury vapor light bulbs.better known as CFL. First off they are a dangerous bio hazard containing phosphors and mercury powder. Second they contain a circuit board with resistors, capacitors, rectifiers, transistors, an inverter to create allegedly, a specific current. All of which, if you are sensitive, which about 60% of population are, it gives of various wave lengths and frequencies that are audible as a whine,hum, buzz and generally annoying. Then the light is dull and the electronics are sketchy sometimes leaving the bulbs life less than an incandescent. Then the carbon foot print, considering the pollution and industry , to produce a mercury vapor (toxic) bulb, the phosphor, the plastic and  the nasties from a dozen or more sketchy electrical components, is so far from any thing close to "green". So  I will forgo the nonsense, Govt/corp hype and, if necessary, read comfortably with my good old fashioned light bulb (safe enough to eat) and save energy by never turning on a television, if I had one in the house.
End of Rant


Sarge said...

Welcome back!


capananda said...

Thanks, Just been catching up on your blog. Always a treat

Jo ~ said...

hey feller! its raining here today too, but its only short-lived; I'm sure the sun will be out tomorrow even in Pari!

Whit's Whittlings2 said...

Don't you love Paris in the Springtime!