Monday, January 28, 2013

Back in the USSA...

Paris is not the best place to winter over. However it is definitely better than Boston or Anchorage.

I went back for the Winter since I was beckoned by work. As our economy in the USSA is being run in the ground by "persons of interest", it seems that the EU (pronounced the same way as when you open the year old sour cream in the frig and it is a Fort Reston green) is having a bit of trouble adjusting to Bankster Pranksters. France, now with the first Socialist since Mitterand is having adjustment issues as well as Germany;s Angela Merlel covering the bets of Greece, and Spain trying desperately to blame anyone but those at fault. So my work took a dive within a few weeks of being there. Oh and then the apartement, then the landlord. It has to be the Occult voodoo, Masonic Hari Krishna's with Illuminati Beanies,  Axel Rose t Shirts, and RFID chipped CFR tennis shoes creating havoc!
Or simply the landlord lost his place and had to move back in the one I occupied...So, I was out and in a Hostel. 
Ok the last time I was in a hostel was in Interlaken Switzerland in 1974 when I worked as the night clerk.

This time I felt like I was in animal house goes Europe. Ok, it wasn't that bad and I did get along with the tattooed Punk rocker from London a lot better than the American kids who seemed highly constipated or on the Monsanto mind control pills.
Enough people came through I actually found out what was going on in the world since Americas news is Fashion, moron actors, bed bug infestations and the rest is censored to protect the people from getting upset.
The alphabet soup agencies see knowledge as confusing us and disturbing the flow of commerce.We, the public do not need to know, shut up and know our place.Thank you very much.

So I changed my flight,  and in a few days left the icy cold, but lovely Parisian life for LA Airport.
I rode the A380, The jumbo, double decker aircraft with  well over 550 seats. It is big.and there will be a wait for luggage and customs.
What did happen was three of these babies landed at LAX at the same time. Two from China. So we had over one thousand six hundred people trying to make connecting flights, get a bus, taxi, or find food and shelter for the long wait for luggage and the enormous line zig zaging with coughing sneezing butt weary travelers in surging undulation of a thousand foot python with gas, in slow motion.  I believe by quick stepping off the plane I was somewhere near the lung of said python.
In my crumpled business suit, disheveled white hair I present my passport and was asked 
"Do you have any Black Fungus on you?"
 I couldn't have looked more stunned if he had asked "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
Luckily, as a snow head (senior citizen) he was patient and I said "no". Then off to baggage.
It was the first time I have seen the huge LA baggage carousel actual groan audibly under the massive load of shrink wrapped broken luggage, multicolored plastic, plaid, wheeled, skided, stickered, colored ties, ribbon yearn and a dog collar coughed up on to a stainless steel merry go round.
Several people left for a while and came back with drinks, finally the carousel spilled out on the linoleum floor and then things "picked up" Whew!

The government has been running tunnel boring machines 40 feet in diameter in the USSA for the last forty years. How about one to Europe so I could take the train?

So back again and as luck would have it tore my ACL in my left knee. This has not been the best of times.
The plus was great food on Air France and polite people, excellent staff, smooth flight.
Another Plus, I will be feasting on my favorite mexican fast foot at Taco Rey on Fourth and Fir in San Diego.
I can't wait to bite into a roasted Jalapeno, have my eyes roll back into my head, the sweat burst from my temples and the knowledge I am as brave as any circus fire eater. Then have my beloved fish burrito.
Home again Home again, jiggety jig.


Jo ~ said...

i love the home again, home again jiggidy jig, you're so funny! and sorry about the knee, ugh that's gotta hurt. and what pray tell is Black fungus? sounds scary...

Sarge said...

Maybe you can still get a McRib in San Diego....

Welcome home,


Jo ~ said...

how was the fish taco?!