Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sustainability is the direct expression of Diversity

 The new buzz word coming out of Washingtion and introduced, on cue, by media hype  is Sustainability. Wither or not you consider this to be grammatically correct hasn't kept talking heads or nightly news sock puppets from touting it.
The fact is our planet has for millions of years been sustainable. The single and most clearly apparent reason is Diversity.
The Forest service, years ago was faced with a crisis.  Timber was being cut down at a rate where seed gathers could not keep of with the demand of reseeding.  So they reverted to cloning. At first this was a good idea. Patches of scoured forest were replanted in a few areas and many felt the solution was found..
Unfortunately years later, a blight hit the cloned planted forest and every single tree died.  The uncloned forest lost several trees but the rest thrived.
GMO, Cloning, and other shorted sighted fixes are promoted by those who look at profit and not at anything else.
Like the fable of the goose that laid the golden egg we have corporations who have no vision, no social responsibility and  faced with reality, ignore it.
Without diversity their will be no sustainability.

 The Rant
Science as touted in Western Civilization, appears to have originated back in the 17th and 18th century. It wasn't until the 19th century it was systematized by John Herschel and   William Whewell.  Along came the
"Scientific Method".  Big business keenly saw the profits that could be gained the discoveries and later large corporations began their own laboratories.

Science has brought  many things that we have wanted and not wanted. The government formed agencies to regulate and protect discoveries and  agencies with the expressed mission of protecting the population.  That is history as most of us know it back in  the twentieth century. However it has changed considerably.

Money; the massive power of the multinational corporations and less observable  players appear to have superverted the regulations, controls, and public protection.
This is no more clear than in the advancement of GMO  plants.  Two
apparent issues seem to drive GMO.
The first is that GMO seeds are considered patentable. This presumes that altering a natural occurring food
plant seed constitutes ownership. In truth it is absurd, however it is
enforceable if the patent holder has the protection military and police on it's side.
Two is that by infecting the indigenous seeds, the Corporate owner is
able to claim ownership of any crops infected with the GMO seed strain.

In time all seeds exposed, by design or by accident, will have some of the
Patented genes in the seed.  Which ultimately would mean one company owns
the rights of all food grown.
In the case of one company, they recently were told by the President they
would be free of any legal action and therefor be above the law. Meaning
no one can sue them for damage, death or disfigurement from their products.

Oddly enough, in this case, the Corporation has members sitting on the American Food and Drug
No matter how insane and malicious these companies and their accomplices, it is our responsibility to make the choice for good health or not.  Again the only thing Government and Multinational corps know is money and profit.
Vote with your dollar.
Don't buy GMO.  Be informed and situational  aware


Jo ~ said...

hey Cap, enjoyed the rant, and I concur!

Sarge said...

I am now over at


aka one angry zebra

lalepop' said...

Ur a force to be reckoned with the Mr Sarge...I been keepin in touch with ur work, ur play and ur losses but my mind is roaming in an art scape most of the time But know ur a part of my hearts substance. I'll be around Buddy.