Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dream within a Dream

The last publication was 2013. 
Where the blazes was I?
Dreaming of being awake. Thinking I was thinking. Believing the unreal to be real and so on.  Not unusual for American Citizens in this time of history/

With age I have remembered what was forgotten and forgotten where I put my list for today's run to the store.

What's new. Met granddaughter in town. Great meeting, daughter was in town working for a few weeks.  While waiting to see them I went to the Bradbury Building on 3rd and Broadway in LA. This historic building was in many movies and television programs. It was set for destruction but some enterprising folks got it fully restored and, I believe, on the Historical Landmark registry.

 On my way back to Oregon to finish chores, visit friends and maybe get a bit of fishing in.
Good to be back on blogging/


Ron Friesen said...

Nice to see back again.

Jo ~ said...

hey Cap, so nice to see you and reconnect on Facebook too. I've missed you. Hoping you are doing well. :)

capananda said...

Thanks, still a little shaky but still in the game.

Jo ~ said...

by the way that building looks awesome :)