Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Three years in abeyance

"Time is relative" (sic) was a rebuttal, long ago, often given when discussing its passage or the lack thereof.
To some extent, aspects of time are, indeed, relative and seem to be circumstantial and in some context clearly subjective. For instance, time in pleasure seems short, conversely time in pain seems, to those experiencing it, to be  far too long.

But what is clear to one either on the final act of the play of life or at the rise of the curtain and first act.  Time is fluid and mercurial.  It is the fluid sense I think best suits here and now.

In river of fluid; water, be it river of stream, seems to be the best anolog  I can relate to here and now.
I have been in one of those anomalies of a such called an eddy that are near the bank, with leaves or other floating detritus floating in seemingly undisturbed circles while the steam meanders with subtle yet relentless movement and yet, at once, at it's end and beginnings.

     Three years ago the sins of my past apparently caught up with me. Some injuries from my childhood, some from the teen year where immortality was an unconscious thought, stamping "approval" on my reckless behavior. Some injuries in the military, work, play, motorcycles, rock climbing, martial arts and errors of judgement. 
They all came to "roost" after a week of falling dead timber and splitting it into firewood.

     I woke one morning, after splitting 24 inch rounds on a hill side with a ten pound maul and sledge hammer,  unable to get out of bed and in the most pain I had experienced in my life while remaining conscious.  A neighbor stopped by and called from my bed I needed help to get to the VA hospital.

     Weeks became months until finally able to move cautiously from bed to bath. As a first responder, I was used to giving help and not getting it. Eating crow and humble pie is not a staple to be endured but to pass through. With time I gained a better perspective and was changed.   How does this relate to three years of inactivity?

    The experience changed me.  And in that change my world shrank, as if atrophied, and I became less outgoing, a bit more introverted but clearly more appreciative of things I had lost sight of over the years.  I also did not want to burden others with my issues. So I "went to ground" and there I have been.  I still split wood, cautiously, and with consideration of my limitations, work  carefully and mindfully.  I live much of my time in the woods with no phone, no internet, no television, wood heat, and only hot water for showering. I communicate locally by citizens band radio.   

My VA Doctor said of my condition, "That's what you get from leading an exciting life"
 I take it as a complement rather than an indictment. 


Drunk Druid, The Lairds of Old. said...

I am lost with questions. I stumbled upon your account looking for a Volks Wagon site.

Who are you, What did you do in your life.

Why do you care about others more than your self.

I have heard everything you have said before. DJ Scotto from York PA explained Monsanto. I recently found out how much of a lie i live. And was considering Foreign Legion just because we still owe the French for our freedom. However i know not what that freedom is. Constitution is a blank page.

To poor to own land. To poor to do what i want. Stopped by government controls in my opinion.

capananda said...

Thomas Merton once said "the god confined is the god defined" or vice versa
Aircooled Undergound was an off shoot in response to "Glacier Motors", "Acne Bronze mining" and the unauthorized memory of Philo Farnsworth.
FYI nobody has any right to the land. law and rules are made up and only have strengthe when a group or groups use weapons or the threat of weapons to enforce their charade.
VWs. Worked as a mechanic on them as a side job, had my own camper van 1974 built the engine with Porsche parts 44 mm weber carbs. Worked in different countries, not for the money but the job. Always love the job and be surprised by the pay.
Join a a catholic church as a radical non conformist act, wear a suit and tie at all times. Over dress at all times . Avoid Beds use army cots. No bedding; use sleeping bags and use your rolled up bath towel as pillow. Always use chop sticks (fits well in suit jacket pocket.) Learn french. Use Duo lingo
.Brush your teeth with salt once a day.
Only tell people what you can prove. everything else is heresy and will not hold up in court. I have more opinions and suggestions I have used or discarded as per relevance.