Sunday, May 22, 2011

Applied pedal magic

Bikes, scooters, and motorcycles besides having a somewhat romantic flare to the streets of Paris, seem to be the most effective mode of transportation. Caught on a bus at rush hour in downtown, a simple glance out the window is a scene of motor scooters, bicycles, and motorcycle weaving their way through the stalled, cars, trucks, buses and errant tourists.

Almost a theatrical grace as business women and businessmen in suits and dress, elegantly pedal, throttle, and gently brake in flow akin to dolphins swimming amongst lumbering whales.
Here a little shop in the Latin Quarter takes the time to repair bikes, work on restoring the old and maintaining a cultural heritage that is part of the romance of this city.


Sarge said...

I remember being amazed with the amount of bicycles in Amsterdam. Not as much in Asia though - I think that is due to better public transportation. I will buy I scooter once I move south - Indianapolis is just too busy to ride a two-wheeler in safely. Although, I know a smokin hot Mexican gal who screams around on a small red one with her jet black hair waving in the wind.

the yellow fringe said...

Gotta love bikes. My city is so scattered it is hard to make use of them, but smaller cities or compact cities can accomplish for BP what you referred to a few blogs below, yank down the price. Enjoy Paris, I have been there 15 times I suppose since 1968, loved it hated it loved it.

capananda said...

Yeah, Sarge, The ladies on bikes are a beauty in motion.

capananda said...

Fringe, I cycled in San Diego but got tagged by a car and spent three days in Hospital. Here they are a bit more careful, as they are in the Netherlands.
Oregon, well, forget about it unless you are in Eugene or Portland, San Francisco you better be as fit as Lance Armstrong.

Whit's Whittlings2 said...
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Whit's Whittlings2 said...

The cost of a liter of petrol in Paris has reached euros 2.15 a litre - and that translates into about $12-13/a U.S. gallon.

Want to put more Americans on bicycles? Just raise the price with taxes to what they are paying in Paris.

Jo ~ said...

so are you riding a bike in Paris?