Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Seasonal Changes of the Wurst.

Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of a good wurst on a hot bun with plenty of good mustard. Wash it down with a big cold beer, take a breath, look around and wait for that warm feeling inside.   I use wurst in a pun giving a spin to thought. In the moment of seeing the pun I can stay loose in my thinking and, with luck, have a smile to go with it.

The picture above  is part of the canal system  Napoleon had constructed in Paris. Prior to its construction historians claim Parisian's only had a liter of water, per person, a day to live on.  The canal system not only brought water to Paris but aided commerce for years.  The picture above is looking South towards the Bastille. It is as the Bastille the canal begins the underground  journey to this spot where it meets the lock system and is elevated to street   level. On a warm day a walk along the canal can be cool, soothing and have a calming effect especially in the evening.

The Rant
Calm is  important in a world run ragged by insanity.  Radio active fallout, and  Radioactive ocean garbage impacting the West Coast of the America, Monsanto hiring assassins and thugs to force feed  us their poison,   people still   becoming horribly ill from the Gulf oil crime,and our Politicians  pounding their fists for more war and wanting to attack  another country. More taxes, our Constitution ignored by the courts, by many law enforcement agencies, and an administration that meets free speech demonstrations with sadistic violence, and call dissension a crime. The last time this happened in history men women and children were marched into camps where the door out was an oven door.  We do already have the camps built, it is in congressional record.  So if someone promises relocation camps, free medical, free food and entertainment, just remember the exit door is a furnace.

Meanwhile, stay sharp, stay situational   aware because, even if you are not, they are. 


Whit's Whittlings2 said...

Sometimes going from bad to wurst is a good idea.

Sarge said...

Ten with the cane for that last one. Mistress Sharon is enroute.



Whit's Whittlings2 said...

Come join us at Blogstream. Some of us who like to write are trying to breathe new life into the site.

capananda said...

Whit, Can't seem to bring the site up/ If you would send me a link, I would appreciate it.
Back in San Diego on the june 18. See the kids and have at fish taco at Taco stand on Fir off of Fourth.
take care.

Jo ~ said...

hey Cap, the only furnace here is the dang humidity right now. A walk down the canal would be a welcomed treat.

Ron Friesen said...

Cap, nice to find your blog. I am trying to figure out how to follow you. I am not seeing the "follow" button.
